Tuesday 5 January 2010

It's been a while...

Happy New Year and all that. Any kind of readership I have must by now have deserted me in their droves (well, ones and twos). The last time I sat down and did this was back in October and without checking the blog I'm not even sure I can remember what I wrote about. I've just checked - it was about moving home to Edinburgh and I actually wrote the line "expect more posts." Ah well.

So, a new year and decade are upon us and with them came the inevitable slew of Noughties review supplements, shows, blog posts and the like. Don't worry, that's not why I dusted down the computer and got my writing mitts on. I've got a playlist on iTunes that's a best of the Noughties type of thing but there's no need to bombard the internet with any more of that. I'm back on the blog trail because I find myself with more time on my hands and something to write about...

It's December 22nd, I'm finishing up another day of drudgery and thinking about the Christmas presents I still haven't bought (namely all of them). I'm taken into the boardroom and we have the chat. I'm being let go. Shite. Not going to go into the nitty gritty of it all but it wasn't much fun.

Cut to today - it's the first day back for most people in Scotland and it's felt like the first day of whatever comes next for me. My CV has been raised from the dead and brought back to life with a couple of healthy shocks to the nipples. Job sites have been joined and I've even managed to apply for one job so far.

There is a certain feeling of deja vu about the whole situation. Twice in the past I've written blogs about job hunting (I can only find one of them) and it looks like it might be a road I'm going down again. However, I feel like I'll be blogging more in general as I now have the time and, more importantly, the inclination to do so again.

The last few months of my previous job were like the arse end of a shitty relationship neither side seems to have the guts to end. In that respect I suppose I'm glad I'm out of it as it was impacting on my life as a whole and that's one of the reasons I didn't write much of anything.

Of course, the financial side of things is slightly less comforting and there is always the thought at the back of my mind that this is not the best time to be looking for a new job. We'll soon see...

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