Thursday 20 August 2009

To blog or not to blog (bet that's never been used before)

Just a quick post before what is hopefully a deep and uneventful kip. Two reasons behind this post - one, I want to test this app and two, I'm a-pondering.

I read this week that there are 900,000 blog posts written every day. Does the world really need the mardy-arsed musings of iMenopause bumping that up to 900,001 on the odd days when I actually write something? I've barely scraped the topsoil from the surface of the blogs that are out there and I've already uncovered enough shit to cover all the fields in the uk for the rest of time (given that the world may well end in 2012 that might not be as impressive a comparison as it first seems).

So, what am I bringing to the blogosphere (do people still call it that?). Short answer - I've no fucking idea. Maybe it's some primal need to get my voice out there and my opinions heard, regardless of how small my forum actually is. Maybe it's nothing more than a chance to live my failed dreams of a career in journalism. Any ideas? Feel free to let me know because I sure as fuck don't. If i stumble across the answer I'll be sure to share it with all three of you.

-- Post From My iPhone

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